Medical Robot DELTA PRIME

Real Name: Andromeda Turner

Legal Occupation: Graduate Student

Identity: Secret

Other aliases: none

Place of Birth: Queens, New York

Marital Status: Single/ never married

Group Affiliation: NA

Base of Operations: Los Angeles, CA.

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 130lbs

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black



Power and Strength: Medical Robot Delta Prime has an exoskeleton adapted for life on the planet Saturn. The difference in atmospheric adaptations to an environment such as that which exists on Saturn endows Medical Robot Delta Prime with super strength, speed and power while she is subject to earth’s weaker gravity.

Known Superhuman Powers: Medical Robot Delta Prime can adapt and configure itself in a limitless number of ways. Though the purpose of this was intended for medical purposes only, this ability has been used for offensive purposes. In addition Medical Robot Delta Prime possesses all of the surgical powers necessary for a medical robot, including limited nano-rejuvenation power

Other Abilities:  Medical Robot Delta Prime can perform a long litany of scientific, medical miracles. Her main function is analyzing and repairing damaged cells at the nanomolecular level.