
Andromeda Turner was raised in an upscale section of Santa Monica, California. Born in Queens, New York, her family moved out west when Andromeda was 6. The family's arrival on the beaches of the west coast happened during a time of dynamic change, and even in the surf community near the PCH, the electric synthesized sounds of the 80s and 90s were slowly being drowned out by the beats and rhymes of rap. 


As the 1990’s drifted away Andromeda drifted right along with them. By the end of the decade she was in college, where she excelled, but she was far more interested in DJ spinning than she ever was in taking midterms. So she kind of drifted through college too.

But when college ended, the records stopped spinning and Andromeda was forced to decide what she wanted to do with her life, a question she had no idea how to answer. Nonetheless the rent, and all of life’s little bills required her to get a job. Her first job was followed my many different others, all of them fairly limited and mundane in scope, and she spent the better part of a decade toiling away as so many other young men do. She toiled living paycheck to paycheck and the only thing she got out of all of it were a few failed relationships and a spinal injury from a car accident that happened one night on one of her long commutes home from work.

The car accident changed everything. Not only did it break the bones in her body and leave her for years of physical therapy to restore, but afterwards Andromeda Turner was left deeply scarred and traumatized as well. The accident forced Andromeda to reevaluate her life and to think about what sh wanted to accomplish while she still had time. And not long after starting her physical therapy, Andromeda Turner decided to return to graduate school, to earn her masters.  In her wildest dreams she never would have imagined just how consequential this one decision would become for her and the entire human race.

For across the galaxy on a gas giant planet that our scientific community has for decades insisted is incapable of sustaining life, events begin to transpire which will threaten the entire human race with total annihilation. Though our futures seem separated now, soon the people of the earth will face an alien invasion from the great armies of Saturn. The earth can resist but make no mistake, our primitive populations are no match for the advanced technological races of Saturn.

That Saturn can sustain intelligent life is a fact are most gifted scientists would likely debate with great sincerity, which is a point that illustrates very clearly our galactic ignorance. Saturn’s people, called the Dunn, are in fact known throughout the intelligent civilizations of our galaxy. There cloaking and nano technology are just as known and just as widely used throughout the universe.

They are universally known, but there is much that is peculiarly unknown about the Dunn.

One great mystery in particular has to do with the great Dunn military. Is it really invisible? Does it really extend through every galaxy? And most importantly, to who does it answer ?

is it true that on their entire world, the entire race of them answer to one authority, the Dunn Queen?


As to that last question the answer is unequivocally, yes. The Dunn have always had a queen. Perhaps because of this their society has remained remarkably stable for thousands of years. That is, until recently. For just as Andromeda Turner was settling back into university life, some 750 million miles away, the unthinkable was happening, a military coup. The plotters tried to assassinate the Queen, using one of the royal medical robots.

But of course, things did not go quite as planned...

This is how a badly injured medical robot, whose operating program had been "corrupted" and who was in desperate need of a bio host to sustain its functions, crash landed on earth and was discovered by a graduate student on a field trip. With its battery life flickering out, the medical nano-robot instinctively binding itself to Andromeda Turner, thereby creating the first sentient relationship with a human and Saturn tek.  



The result of this fusion is Medical Robot Delta Prime. She is a human with an exorobotic body shell composed of nano-tek infused Saturn steel. Though her primary functional capability is that of a medical robot she possesses and array of hardware applications that can be quite deadly. Optical lasers. Next generation x-ray scanners and image infusors. Not to mention a surgeons array of particle surgical supplies which can be modified for defensive combat purposes.



Such technology would be a dream to any medical student but for Andromeda Turner. She fears the nano tek that courses through her body, and soon she discovers its ultimate aim: to rewrite her entire DNA. Though Delta Prime can heal her and give her great powers, Andromeda knows she must be free of it or else she will certainly die. The stakes are high definitely, but they’’ll get worse when the Dunn arrive to reclaim their technology.